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Experiences that transform

Mika Reyman - Washington
"Cornelia is a masterful coach. I was having alot of trouble with an aspect of my personality, reacting to people telling lies about me and trying to control my emotions. I had been dealing with a very abusive relationship and the recovery, but this was one key thing that I needed to work on. I was also having to face a major trail in this aspect due to the relentless attacks from my abuser. Cornelia helped me not only identify my issues in a more complete manner, but also helped me discover tools and practices to help me deal with future occurances. Her dedication and patience was unmatched! Her willingness to help me introspect on a much deeper level has helped me not only stop this behavior, but also encouraged discovery of triggers. Throughout our coaching sessions the discovery of these triggers were noted and revisited later, ensuring a complete understanding, in order to help me address them. A completely amazing coaching experience from Cornelia, one that I will never forget."
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